“ Truth suffers from too much analysis.
It's not hard to imagine your HTML becoming littered with the same set of single-use classes and that this duplication can make it hard to sustain development of your app. And, while MelangeCSS includes a grid-based foundation for a design system, you may wish to cultivate more involved re-usable components.
Indeed, building a site directly in HTML and CSS with MelangeCSS would result in this. But, if you are building a web app, you almost certainly have a templating system that allows for extraction of re-usable bits of code. That is how Melange intends for you to manage duplication.
Consider a button component that has four different versions: a large primary, large secondary, small primary, and small secondary like so:
Your templating system, including front-end frameworks like React, should be able to provide a way to generate this markup based on parameters or properties. For example:
function Button({size,type,label}) {
const dimensions = size == "big" ? "ph-4 pv-3 br-4 f-4"
: "ph-3 pv-2 br-3 f-3"
const colors = type == "primary" ? "bg-blue-100 white"
: "bg-white blue-100"
const cssClasses = `${dimensions} ${colors} ba tc`
return (
<button className={cssClasses}>
{ label }
Or, in Rails:
def styled_button(size, type, label)
dimensions = size == "big" ? "ph-4 pv-3 br-4 f-4"
: "ph-3 pv-2 br-3 f-3"
colors = type == "primary" ? "bg-blue-100 white"
: "bg-white blue-100"
const cssClasses = `${dimensions} ${colors} ba tc`
content_tag(:button, class: "#{dimensions} #{colors} ba tc") do
These are only examples. You can do it however you want. And, because MelangeCSS is only a CSS file with variables, you could certainly create your own CSS if you like:
.button {
border: solid;
text-align: center;
.button.primary {
color: #fff;
background-color: var(--blue-200);
.button.primary {
color: var(--blue-200);
background-color: #fff;
.button.big {
border-radius: var(--bw4);
padding: var(--sp3) var(--sp4);
font-size: var(--fs4);
.button.small {
border-radius: var(--bw3);
padding: var(--sp2) var(--sp3);
font-size: var(--fs3);
The key thing to remember is that your web app's components are not just CSS classes - they are markup, styling, JavaScript, and even back-end support. By treating them this way, you manage them with your web app's templating system as opposed to a CSS class, since a CSS class is rarely sufficient to truly create a re-usable component.