Step-by-Step Overview
Learn how to style a component one step at a time, by using Melange's classes.
Class Naming Conventions
MelangeCSS's class names are terse, but they following straightforward conventions.
Using Media Queries & Breakpoints
MelangeCSS allows you to use the same markup, but apply different styles for different media queries to make sure your app looks good on mobile and desktop.
Re-using Duplicate Classes
Because you don't write CSS when using MelangeCSS, you'll use your web app's templating system for re-use.
Form Controls and MelangeCSS
MelangeCSS must strike a balance between size and utility. Form controls demonstrate this balance.
Customzing MelangeCSS
MelangeCSS can be customized to your needs, from changing fonts and colors, to creating an entirely different grid and scale.