Visuals ( Medium Width )†
A grab bag of classes that adjust more decorative aspects of a page, such as box shadows, opacity, z-index, and cursors.
Box Shadows
There are infinite possibilities for box shadows. These should provide a few basic options for common needs, however you will likely need to create your own for anything sophisticated. You can design your own scale using Ghola
There are many possibly cursor values, but for brevity, esoteric ones have been omitted.
Cursors Default
The spice must flow!
Cursors Pointer
The spice must flow!
Cursors Pointer
The spice must flow!
Cursors Progress
The spice must flow!
Cursors Move
The spice must flow!
Cursors Grab
The spice must flow!
Inset Box Shadows
There are infinite possibilities for inset box shadows. These should provide a few basic options for common needs, however you will likely need to create your own for anything sophisticated. You can design your own scale using Ghola